I've been on a glam rock binge the last few months. Not the 80's type of hairy poodle glam. No, this is the real deal! Any glam rock from the 70's is interesting. There's something with the rocking rythms and carefree devil-may-care attitude of the artists. Make the feet stomp and lightens my mood. Every time!
If you don't know what I'm on about, I'm not gonna go any further than mention The Sweet and Slade. Still don't know? Check these groups out first. Then come back here and ask for more. I've got loads of it and I know where to find more.
Thanks to Proudfoot Sound, Crazee Kids Sound, Purepop, Vanilla Gorilla and many more glamtastic sites for making a lot of the more obscure groups known on the net.
PS. Don't mind the silly costumes. It's all for fun any way.